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NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF CLASS A CTION: Please be advised that your rights may be affected by the above-captioned securities class action (the “Action”)1 pending in the United States District Court for the Central District of California (the “Court”), if, during the period between October 7, 2020 and July 13, 2021, inclusive (the “Settlement Class Period”), you purchased or otherwise acquired Stable Road Acquisition Corp. (“SRAC”) Securities, and were damaged
NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT: Please also be advised that the Court-appointed lead plaintiff, Hartmut Haenisch (“Lead Plaintiff”), on behalf of himself and the Settlement Class (as defined in ¶ 23 below), has reached an agreement with defendants SRAC, SRC-NI Holdings, LLC (“Sponsor”), Momentus Inc. (“Momentus,” and together with SRAC and Sponsor, “Corporate Defendants”) and Brian Kabot (“Kabot”), Juan Manuel Quiroga (“Quiroga”), James Norris (“Norris”), James Hofmockel (“Hofmockel”), Dawn Harms (“Harms”), and Fred Kennedy
(“Kennedy”) (collectively, with Mikhail Kokorich (“Kokorich”), the “Individual Defendants”; and together with the Corporate Defendants, “Defendants”; and together with Lead Plaintiff, the “Parties”) to settle the Action for $8,500,000 in cash that, if approved by the Court, will resolve all claims in the Action (the “Settlement”).